Вярнуцца да пачатку


  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic
  • 3258 Праглядаў
  • Падабаецца
[Тэкст даступны толькі на англійскай мове] UNSTERN

The group cosists of three musicians from different musical backgrounds, all joining the interest of sound research: Francesca Bergamasco (Italy), Asja Grauf (Slovenia), Ivan Penov (Macedonia). This project addresses the issue of silence and noise, immobility and movement and the issue of musician (human) physical presence on stage (in life) in relation to an increasingly virtual world. At this point the subject is escorted by doubt, it is uncapable to articulate its own thoughts, which are under constant infuence of outer ideals. The result is subject’s paralysis, intoxication by beauty ideals. . The consequence is more and more materialistic attitude to human body. It's all about discrepancy, gap between inner and outer world, inability to rationalize outer stimuli. That leads the subject to emotional chaos; we can spot the problem of consciousness, a cycle of human emotions and finally, the endless search for meaning of life and awareness of self-mortality.
Performers are trying to express the idea with collaboration of three expressive components - sound, video and photography. There is a juxtaposition between a long static video and a fake movement created by the frenetic sequence of still-images. The slow action indissolubly linked to the real time flowing, unsettle the audencie attention, imposing to slow down the mental activity, leading to a different perception and a real identification with the visual work of art.
The performance consists in two video projection and three different performative moments during wich the voice, the flute and the live electronics interacts: it is a process of sonic accumulation in realtime obtainded through linear procedures, leaving the “gap” of the system on the expressive capability of the performers. It streams from simple notes-sounds-noises that leads to a distorted purity, saturating the content to a illegible complexity.

Francesca Bergamasco (professional singer) and Ivan Penov are graduated at the Conservatory of Trieste, in the School of Music and New Technologies. Asja Grauf at the High School of Music of Maribor in flute.

You can find an excerp of the video here: https://vimeo.com/45186666

Працягласць (хвілін)


Што трэба

2 videoprojectiors, 2 cardioid mic, supports, speakers, mixer.

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic



Italy Trieste