Вярнуцца да пачатку

zoon politikon

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop
  • 3889 Праглядаў
  • Падабаецца
zoon politikon
[Тэкст даступны толькі на англійскай мове] MFFM are Miguel F and Filipe Miranda, two artists from Barcelos - Portugal, each one an author of several projects related to music, performance and visual arts.
Zoon Politikon is the first creation resulting from the MFFM collaboration. It’s based on the Aristotelian concept that defines man as the only political animal, that goes beyond all other social animals, organized into com- munities and intervening in the polis (city). Improvised music and in real time video manipulation are the media used in the creating of visual metaphors and sounds, seeking the essence of this emerging political animal in contemporary societies.

www.mffm.art.pt.to />www.cargocollective.com/miguelf />www.filipemiranda.pt.to

Працягласць (хвілін)


Што трэба

Technical Rider
- P.A. / 2 DI channels + 1 stage monitor
- Video Projector (we perfer projectors with wide angle ap- erture lens for bigger projection) + Projection Screen or white / light colored surface.

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop



Portugal Barcelos